Creating VM on Azure

In this blog, I am going to discuss how to create a Virtual machine on the Azure platform. A thing that is required as a prior condition is your account on the Azure platform.

When you log in to your account you have this kind of home page.

Just click on the create resource button then you will find all the resource that you can create but we are just creating virtual machine so just focusing on our goal.

Look, you can create a window virtual machine and Ubuntu but I am creating Ubuntu (If you want to create windows virtual, steps are the same). So, just click on the Ubuntu server then the following screen will be shown:

Select your resource group and name your virtual machine just like I named my virtual machine halcyoonaVM. Select your region in which you want to create your virtual machine (it’s good if you create a virtual machine to your closet region ). Then select your Image. After scrolling some more option will be shown on screen:

If you click on the change size then the following screen will be shown:

Select your machine according to your requirement and you will get back to our previous screen.
Create your SSH key pair and add your public key here. Then you will access your virtual machine using ssh (If you don’t know about SSH click here).

Now select the ports you want to make them open and click on the next disks. This screen will be shown:

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